Category: Larry Vickers
Changes In The Gun Industry That Every Instructor Should Know About
Larry Vickers discusses changes in the gun industry that every instructor should know about in this podcast from our...
Larry Vickers Talks The 3-6-9 Drill
Larry Vickers of Vickers Tactical talks about the 3-6-9 drill, a follow on to the dime drill, designed to improve your...
Larry Vickers Demonstrates The Dime Drill
FTA Founding Member Larry Vickers of Vickers Tactical, demonstrates the dime drill. This is a classic drill designed to...
Selecting The Right Firearm With Larry Vickers
Larry Vickers of Vickers Tactical, and Founding Member of the Firearms Trainers Association, breaks down three quality...
Larry Vickers Carbine Setup
Larry Vickers of Vickers Tactical, and one of the founding members of FTA, walks you through his carbine setup. He...
Fta Founders: Larry Vickers Safety Briefing
Larry Vickers, from Vickers Tactical, and founding member of the Firearms Trainers Association, gives his real world...