Posted on November 30, 2021 by Steve Moses in Training
Meet The Fta Member Series: Jamey Caldwell
Tell us who you are, where you grew up, where you live, and where you teach.
My name is Jamey Caldwell, I grew up in Connecticut and joined the military after high school. I was stationed in Savannah, Georgia and Ft. Bragg for all of my career. I am currently living in North Carolina and travel all over the country teaching Night Vision along with Rifle and Pistol courses.
Did you grow up in a home in which adults had firearms?
My father was the first one to teach me how to shoot a pistol. He served thirty five years as a law enforcement officer along with my grandfather who also retired from law enforcement.
Were you ever in the military, law enforcement, or any other profession in which possession of a firearm was necessary?
I spent twenty one years in Army Special Operations and deployed to combat fourteen times. I’ve spent a lot of time training with assault rifles, pistols, and sniper rifles.
When did you decide to become a firearms trainer, and how did you go about it?
After retiring from the military and interacting with SWAT officers looking for Night Vision training I saw an opportunity to share my experiences and lessons learned from my twenty one years of active duty use of firearms and night vision. I started my own training company 1 Minute Out and have been teaching for five years now.
Please name one (and only one) instructor that you might describe as being a mentor to you.
Kyle Lamb was an instructor of mine during my military career. Not only can Kyle shoot but it was his interaction with the students that impressed me the most. I have tried to emulate and teach to the same standards in my courses.
What class do you teach that you think benefits students the most?
My Night Vision classes seem to be the most beneficial for my students. I have years of experience with night vision and lots of little tips and tricks that I truly enjoy sharing to make my students more comfortable under NODS and more proficient operating at night.
What is the most important thing that you have learned as an instructor that perhaps new instructors would benefit from knowing?
Every student is different. You have to understand what each of your students is trying to learn and how they can best achieve their goal. One set technique will not work for everyone and you have to adapt things to each individual.
Please provide us with your contact information, including email and website address. Jamey Caldwell JC@1MinuteOut.com www.1minuteout.com
Jamey Caldwell
1 Minute Out