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Meet The Fta Member Series: Warren Wilson

Steve Moses interviews FTA Member Warren Wilson of based out of Enid,...


Marketing Advice For Firearm Trainers

Steve Moses interviews marketing professional and firearms instructor Tiffany Johnson about some things trainers can do...


Meet The Fta Team Members That Have Your Back

Steve Moses goes into the history of the Firearm Trainers Association and introduces the FTA Members to the team that...


The Use Of Blunt Instruments In Criminal Assaults

Steve Moses discusses the danger posed to concealed carriers by violent actors armed with blunt instruments and how...


Meet The Fta Member Series: Brian Hill

Steve Moses interviews FTA Member Brian Hill. Brian is the owner and lead instructor for The Complete Combatant company...


Wayne Dobbs On Teaching New Students The Muzzle Wobble Drill (Part Two)

Wayne Dobbs is one of the best firearms instructors that I know. Part Two of the article on why firearm trainers might...